The biological diversity of native prairie and parkland ecosystems is secure under thoughtful and committed stewardship of all Albertans.
The Prairie Conservation Forum is open to all organizations that support and have an interest in achieving the PCAP Vision and who are willing to apply the PCF’s Guiding Principles. The Vision will be achieved by:
- defining desired biodiversity outcomes and measuring progress towards outcomes;
- acquiring and sharing data, information and knowledge;
- advancing understanding and increasing awareness of the native prairie and parkland landscape and its interdependence with the social and economic needs of society;
- collaborating to enhance the conservation and compatible use of native prairie and parkland landscapes; and
- maintaining the stability and building the capacity of the Prairie Conservation Forum.
The Prairie Conservation Forum believes that the PCAP Vision will only be realized if important strategic or long-term environmental outcomes can be achieved. These outcomes must be closely linked to management and planning decisions by all levels of government and private land owners. These outcomes are closely connected to existing functional ecosystems in prairie and parkland Alberta. Three long term outcomes will be the focus of the PCF: